- 请求信息 : 2025-02-12 16:12:31 HTTP/1.1 GET : demobrooklyn.shoppaas.com/all
- 运行时间 : 0.198549s [ 吞吐率:5.04req/s ] 内存消耗:3,228.95kb 文件加载:259
- 查询信息 : [耗时:0.068866s/0.198549 34.68% ] 48 queries ,7 writes
- 缓存信息 : 42 reads,4 writes
- 配置加载 : 83
- 会话信息 : SESSION_ID=u2ej8em854rilgn8lamgoc8sqc
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run Closure @app_init [ RunTime:0.000011s ]
- [ CACHE ] INIT app\common\library\cache\driver\Redis
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\aws\Aws @app_init [ RunTime:0.000448s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\listener\Listener @app_init [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run Closure @app_init [ RunTime:0.000086s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run app\common\behavior\Common @app_dispatch [ RunTime:0.000123s ]
- [ ROUTE ] array (
'type' => 'module',
'module' =>
array (
0 => 'index',
1 => 'product',
2 => 'lists',
'convert' => false,
- [ HEADER ] array (
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- [ PARAM ] array (
'path' => 'all',
- [ LANG ] /wwwroot/public/../application/index/lang/en-us.php
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run app\common\behavior\Common @module_init [ RunTime:0.002282s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\aws\Aws @module_init [ RunTime:0.000025s ]
- [ DB ] INIT mysql
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\aws\Aws @upload_config_init [ RunTime:0.000054s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\nkeditor\Nkeditor @config_init [ RunTime:0.000069s ]
- [ SESSION ] INIT array (
'id' => '',
'var_session_id' => '',
'session_name' => 'shoppaas_1695375012111:',
'type' => 'redis',
'host' => '',
'port' => '6379',
'password' => '',
'select' => 6,
'auto_start' => true,
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\visituser\Hook @visit_record [ RunTime:0.015716s ]
- [ RUN ] app\index\controller\Product->lists[ /wwwroot/application/index/controller/Product.php ]
- [ VIEW ] /wwwroot/template/brooklyn-playful/template/product_lists.html [ array (
0 => 'controller_name',
1 => 'action_name',
2 => 'lang_count',
3 => 'lang_array',
4 => 'theme_key',
5 => 'theme_id',
6 => 'theme_name',
7 => 'hook_rute',
8 => 'theme_arr',
9 => 'template_name',
10 => 'payment_icons',
11 => 'payment',
12 => 'theme',
13 => 'theme_diy_mode',
14 => 'theme_config',
15 => 'icon_image',
16 => 'head_code',
17 => 'end_code',
18 => 'controllername',
19 => 'actionname',
20 => 'user',
21 => 'language',
22 => 'lang',
23 => 'is_rtl_lang',
24 => 'site',
25 => 'config',
26 => 'currency_switch',
27 => 'currency_list',
28 => 'currency_site',
29 => 'currency',
30 => 'cart',
31 => 'subscribing',
32 => 'login',
33 => 'policies',
34 => 'is_mobile',
35 => 'not_show_login',
36 => 'customer_login_status',
37 => 'config_site_version',
38 => 'category',
39 => 'filters',
40 => 'price',
41 => 'oldprice',
42 => 'oldsku',
43 => 'oldsupplier',
44 => 'productList',
45 => 'appends',
46 => 'product_review',
47 => 'empty',
48 => 'view',
49 => 'order',
50 => 'limit',
51 => 'seotitle',
52 => 'seokeywords',
53 => 'seodescription',
54 => 'page_type',
) ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\googlepixel\Hook @global_header [ RunTime:0.000973s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\pixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000049s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\facebookpixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000909s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\snapchatpixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000919s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\googlepixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000005s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\tiktokpixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000922s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\googlepixel\Hook @global_content_top [ RunTime:0.000005s ]
- [ VIEW ] /wwwroot/template/brooklyn-playful/../brooklyn-playful/template/goods_recommendation.html [ array (
0 => 'empty',
1 => 'section_id',
2 => 'section_title',
3 => 'section_limit_num',
4 => 'productList',
5 => 'template_data',
6 => 'theme_config',
7 => 'currency',
8 => 'page_type',
9 => 'theme_key',
10 => 'theme_id',
11 => 'config_sell_color_scheme_class',
12 => 'config_sell_out_color_scheme_class',
) ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\featuredproduct\Hook @global_content_bottom [ RunTime:0.012777s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\marketingnotify\Hook @global_footer [ RunTime:0.000961s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\marketingcookie\Hook @global_footer [ RunTime:0.000941s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\marketingpopup\Hook @global_footer [ RunTime:0.000602s ]
- [ VIEW ] /wwwroot/addons/visituser/view/visit_record_page_stay_time.html [ array (
0 => 'unique_id',
1 => 'product_id',
) ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\visituser\Hook @user_visit_record [ RunTime:0.000280s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\visituser\Hook @response_send [ RunTime:0.001607s ]
- 1/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\visituser\Hook @visit_record [ RunTime:0.015716s ] [0.015716s/0.039836s=39.45%]
- 2/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\featuredproduct\Hook @global_content_bottom [ RunTime:0.012777s ] [0.012777s/0.039836s=32.07%]
- 3/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run app\common\behavior\Common @module_init [ RunTime:0.002282s ] [0.002282s/0.039836s=5.73%]
- 4/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\visituser\Hook @response_send [ RunTime:0.001607s ] [0.001607s/0.039836s=4.03%]
- 5/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\googlepixel\Hook @global_header [ RunTime:0.000973s ] [0.000973s/0.039836s=2.44%]
- 6/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\marketingnotify\Hook @global_footer [ RunTime:0.000961s ] [0.000961s/0.039836s=2.41%]
- 7/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\marketingcookie\Hook @global_footer [ RunTime:0.000941s ] [0.000941s/0.039836s=2.36%]
- 8/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\tiktokpixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000922s ] [0.000922s/0.039836s=2.31%]
- 9/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\snapchatpixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000919s ] [0.000919s/0.039836s=2.31%]
- 10/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\facebookpixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000909s ] [0.000909s/0.039836s=2.28%]
- 11/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\marketingpopup\Hook @global_footer [ RunTime:0.000602s ] [0.000602s/0.039836s=1.51%]
- 12/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\aws\Aws @app_init [ RunTime:0.000448s ] [0.000448s/0.039836s=1.12%]
- 13/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\visituser\Hook @user_visit_record [ RunTime:0.000280s ] [0.000280s/0.039836s=0.70%]
- 14/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run app\common\behavior\Common @app_dispatch [ RunTime:0.000123s ] [0.000123s/0.039836s=0.31%]
- 15/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run Closure @app_init [ RunTime:0.000086s ] [0.000086s/0.039836s=0.22%]
- 16/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\listener\Listener @app_init [ RunTime:0.000072s ] [0.000072s/0.039836s=0.18%]
- 17/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\nkeditor\Nkeditor @config_init [ RunTime:0.000069s ] [0.000069s/0.039836s=0.17%]
- 18/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\aws\Aws @upload_config_init [ RunTime:0.000054s ] [0.000054s/0.039836s=0.14%]
- 19/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\pixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000049s ] [0.000049s/0.039836s=0.12%]
- 20/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run \addons\aws\Aws @module_init [ RunTime:0.000025s ] [0.000025s/0.039836s=0.06%]
- 21/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run Closure @app_init [ RunTime:0.000011s ] [0.000011s/0.039836s=0.03%]
- 22/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\googlepixel\Hook @pixels [ RunTime:0.000005s ] [0.000005s/0.039836s=0.01%]
- 23/23 . [ BEHAVIOR ] Run addons\googlepixel\Hook @global_content_top [ RunTime:0.000005s ] [0.000005s/0.039836s=0.01%]
- [ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000878s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=shoppaas_1695375012111;charset=utf8mb4
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `app_center` [ RunTime:0.001244s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `app_center` WHERE `name` = 'product_topic' AND `is_installed` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001171s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `payment` [ RunTime:0.001283s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `payment` WHERE `status` = '1' ORDER BY `weigh` DESC,`id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000588s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `config` [ RunTime:0.001199s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `name` = 'lang_auto_detect' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000431s ]
- [ SQL ] set time_zone = '+08:00' [ RunTime:0.000277s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE ( name = 'multiCurrencySwitch' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000326s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE ( name = 'byIpSwitch' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000284s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cart` [ RunTime:0.001165s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `product` [ RunTime:0.001364s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cart` SET `deletetime`=1739347951 WHERE ( NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE ( product.id=cart.product_id ) ) AND `user_id` = 0 AND `session_id` = 'u2ej8em854rilgn8lamgoc8sqc' AND `createtime` > 1739088751 ) AND `cart`.`deletetime` IS NULL [ RunTime:0.000598s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `activity` [ RunTime:0.001018s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT @@session.sql_mode [ RunTime:0.000296s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cart` LEFT JOIN ( SELECT type as activity_type,id as activity_id,`product_ids` FROM `activity` WHERE ( `type` IN ('seckill') ) AND `activity`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `act` ON find_in_set(cart.product_id, product_ids) WHERE ( `user_id` = 0 AND `session_id` = 'u2ej8em854rilgn8lamgoc8sqc' AND `store_id` = 0 ) AND `cart`.`deletetime` IS NULL GROUP BY `id` ORDER BY `createtime` DESC [ RunTime:0.000864s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `name` = 'customer_login_config' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000354s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `visit_user` [ RunTime:0.001336s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `visit_user` WHERE `visit_code` = '16cc99c3953da40ea04e4f08a5db5469' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002087s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `visit_log` [ RunTime:0.003890s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `visit_log` WHERE ( `visit_session` = '74e21029bd1929594f975748fc9d0597' ) AND `visit_log`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002816s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `app_center` WHERE `name` = 'access_control' AND `is_installed` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000398s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT @@session.sql_mode [ RunTime:0.000275s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `activity_product_sku_price` [ RunTime:0.005841s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT p.id,p.type,p.title,p.subtitle,p.supplier,p.status,p.audit_status,p.audit_reject_times,p.auto_shelves_after_audit,p.is_tax,p.weigh,p.category_ids,p.product_tag_ids,p.product_tag_names,p.image,p.images,p.params,p.price,p.original_price,p.is_sku,p.likes,p.views,p.sales,p.size_country,p.size_guide,p.marketing_size_guide_id,p.show_sales,p.service_ids,p.shipping_type,p.shipping_ids,p.is_custom,p.is_custom_plus,p.custom_config,p.draft_product_id,p.seotitle,p.keywords,p.description,p.path,p.is_tob_sku,p.createtime,p.updatetime,p.deletetime,(p.sales + p.show_sales) as total_sales,ifnull(y.price, p.price) price1 FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN (select min(price) price,product_id from ( SELECT `a`.`price`,`a`.`product_id` FROM `activity_product_sku_price` `a` INNER JOIN `activity` `b` ON `b`.`id`=a.activity_id and a.status = 'up' and b.deletetime is null and b.starttime < 1739347951 and b.endtime > 1739347951 WHERE `a`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `t` group by `t`.`product_id`) `y` ON `y`.`product_id`=`p`.`id` WHERE ( `p`.`status` IN ('up') AND ( ( find_in_set(7, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(6, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(5, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(4, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(3, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(2, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(1, category_ids) ) ) ) AND `p`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY weigh desc, id desc [ RunTime:0.001047s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `currency` [ RunTime:0.002978s ]
- [ SQL ] select p.name,p1.name cname from product_sku as p left join product_sku as p1
on p1.pid = p.id where p.pid = 0 and p.product_id in (17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) group by binary(p.name), binary(p1.name); [ RunTime:0.006198s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT @@session.sql_mode [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN (select min(price) price,product_id from ( SELECT `a`.`price`,`a`.`product_id` FROM `activity_product_sku_price` `a` INNER JOIN `activity` `b` ON `b`.`id`=a.activity_id and a.status = 'up' and b.deletetime is null and b.starttime < 1739347951 and b.endtime > 1739347951 WHERE `a`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `t` group by `t`.`product_id`) `y` ON `y`.`product_id`=`p`.`id` WHERE ( `p`.`status` IN ('up') AND ( ( find_in_set(7, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(6, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(5, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(4, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(3, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(2, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(1, category_ids) ) ) ) AND `p`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000962s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT p.id,p.type,p.title,p.subtitle,p.supplier,p.status,p.audit_status,p.audit_reject_times,p.auto_shelves_after_audit,p.is_tax,p.weigh,p.category_ids,p.product_tag_ids,p.product_tag_names,p.image,p.images,p.params,p.price,p.original_price,p.is_sku,p.likes,p.views,p.sales,p.size_country,p.size_guide,p.marketing_size_guide_id,p.show_sales,p.service_ids,p.shipping_type,p.shipping_ids,p.is_custom,p.is_custom_plus,p.custom_config,p.draft_product_id,p.seotitle,p.keywords,p.description,p.path,p.is_tob_sku,p.createtime,p.updatetime,p.deletetime,(p.sales + p.show_sales) as total_sales,ifnull(y.price, p.price) price1 FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN (select min(price) price,product_id from ( SELECT `a`.`price`,`a`.`product_id` FROM `activity_product_sku_price` `a` INNER JOIN `activity` `b` ON `b`.`id`=a.activity_id and a.status = 'up' and b.deletetime is null and b.starttime < 1739347951 and b.endtime > 1739347951 WHERE `a`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `t` group by `t`.`product_id`) `y` ON `y`.`product_id`=`p`.`id` WHERE ( `p`.`status` IN ('up') AND ( ( find_in_set(7, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(6, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(5, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(4, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(3, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(2, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(1, category_ids) ) ) ) AND `p`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY weigh desc,id desc LIMIT 0,12 [ RunTime:0.000940s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `discuss` [ RunTime:0.001870s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `discuss` WHERE ( `status` = 'show' AND `product_id` IN (17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6) ) AND `discuss`.`deletetime` IS NULL [ RunTime:0.000550s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `product_sku_price` [ RunTime:0.001749s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `product_sku_price` WHERE ( `product_id` IN (17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6) ) AND `product_sku_price`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `weigh` ASC,`id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000649s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `activity` WHERE ( ( 1739347951 > starttime && 1739347951 < endtime ) ) AND `activity`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `starttime` ASC LIMIT 30 [ RunTime:0.000427s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `product_supplier` [ RunTime:0.002032s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `product_supplier` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000437s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `name` = 'product_review' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001167s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `themes_lang` [ RunTime:0.001294s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `themes_lang` WHERE ( lang_name='en' AND is_enable=1 AND transl_way=2 AND deletetime IS NULL ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000706s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `themes_menu_item` [ RunTime:0.001323s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `themes_menu_item` WHERE `themes_menu_item`.`deletetime` IS NULL [ RunTime:0.000497s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `themes_lang` WHERE ( lang_name='en' AND is_enable=1 AND transl_way=2 AND deletetime IS NULL ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000417s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `themes_lang` WHERE ( lang_name='en' AND is_enable=1 AND transl_way=2 AND deletetime IS NULL ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000375s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id` FROM `product` WHERE ( `id` <> 0 AND `status` = 'up' ) AND `product`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `views` DESC LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.000480s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `product` WHERE ( `status` = 'up' AND `deletetime` IS NULL AND `id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `product`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000445s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE ( `status` = 'up' AND `deletetime` IS NULL AND `id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `product`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY field(id,6,2,9,1,17) LIMIT 0,15 [ RunTime:0.000616s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `discuss` WHERE ( `status` = 'show' AND `product_id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `discuss`.`deletetime` IS NULL [ RunTime:0.000439s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `product_sku_price` WHERE ( `product_id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `product_sku_price`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `weigh` ASC,`id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000501s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `themes` [ RunTime:0.002765s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name`,`template`,`version`,`type`,`remark`,`weigh`,`createtime`,`updatetime`,`deletetime` FROM `themes` WHERE ( `type` = 'release' ) AND `themes`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000481s ]
- 1/56 . select p.name,p1.name cname from product_sku as p left join product_sku as p1
on p1.pid = p.id where p.pid = 0 and p.product_id in (17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) group by binary(p.name), binary(p1.name); [0.006198s/0.068866s=9.00%]
- 3/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `activity_product_sku_price` [0.005841s/0.068866s=8.48%]
- 4/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `visit_log` [0.003890s/0.068866s=5.65%]
- 5/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `currency` [0.002978s/0.068866s=4.32%]
- 6/56 . SELECT * FROM `visit_log` WHERE ( `visit_session` = '74e21029bd1929594f975748fc9d0597' ) AND `visit_log`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [0.002816s/0.068866s=4.09%]
- 7/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `themes` [0.002765s/0.068866s=4.02%]
- 8/56 . SELECT * FROM `visit_user` WHERE `visit_code` = '16cc99c3953da40ea04e4f08a5db5469' LIMIT 1 [0.002087s/0.068866s=3.03%]
- 9/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `product_supplier` [0.002032s/0.068866s=2.95%]
- 10/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `discuss` [0.001870s/0.068866s=2.72%]
- 11/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `product_sku_price` [0.001749s/0.068866s=2.54%]
- 12/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `product` [0.001364s/0.068866s=1.98%]
- 13/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `visit_user` [0.001336s/0.068866s=1.94%]
- 14/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `themes_menu_item` [0.001323s/0.068866s=1.92%]
- 15/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `themes_lang` [0.001294s/0.068866s=1.88%]
- 16/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `payment` [0.001283s/0.068866s=1.86%]
- 17/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `app_center` [0.001244s/0.068866s=1.81%]
- 18/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `config` [0.001199s/0.068866s=1.74%]
- 19/56 . SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `app_center` WHERE `name` = 'product_topic' AND `is_installed` = 1 LIMIT 1 [0.001171s/0.068866s=1.70%]
- 20/56 . SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `name` = 'product_review' LIMIT 1 [0.001167s/0.068866s=1.69%]
- 21/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cart` [0.001165s/0.068866s=1.69%]
- 22/56 . SELECT p.id,p.type,p.title,p.subtitle,p.supplier,p.status,p.audit_status,p.audit_reject_times,p.auto_shelves_after_audit,p.is_tax,p.weigh,p.category_ids,p.product_tag_ids,p.product_tag_names,p.image,p.images,p.params,p.price,p.original_price,p.is_sku,p.likes,p.views,p.sales,p.size_country,p.size_guide,p.marketing_size_guide_id,p.show_sales,p.service_ids,p.shipping_type,p.shipping_ids,p.is_custom,p.is_custom_plus,p.custom_config,p.draft_product_id,p.seotitle,p.keywords,p.description,p.path,p.is_tob_sku,p.createtime,p.updatetime,p.deletetime,(p.sales + p.show_sales) as total_sales,ifnull(y.price, p.price) price1 FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN (select min(price) price,product_id from ( SELECT `a`.`price`,`a`.`product_id` FROM `activity_product_sku_price` `a` INNER JOIN `activity` `b` ON `b`.`id`=a.activity_id and a.status = 'up' and b.deletetime is null and b.starttime < 1739347951 and b.endtime > 1739347951 WHERE `a`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `t` group by `t`.`product_id`) `y` ON `y`.`product_id`=`p`.`id` WHERE ( `p`.`status` IN ('up') AND ( ( find_in_set(7, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(6, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(5, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(4, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(3, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(2, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(1, category_ids) ) ) ) AND `p`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY weigh desc, id desc [0.001047s/0.068866s=1.52%]
- 23/56 . SHOW COLUMNS FROM `activity` [0.001018s/0.068866s=1.48%]
- 24/56 . SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN (select min(price) price,product_id from ( SELECT `a`.`price`,`a`.`product_id` FROM `activity_product_sku_price` `a` INNER JOIN `activity` `b` ON `b`.`id`=a.activity_id and a.status = 'up' and b.deletetime is null and b.starttime < 1739347951 and b.endtime > 1739347951 WHERE `a`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `t` group by `t`.`product_id`) `y` ON `y`.`product_id`=`p`.`id` WHERE ( `p`.`status` IN ('up') AND ( ( find_in_set(7, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(6, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(5, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(4, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(3, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(2, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(1, category_ids) ) ) ) AND `p`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [0.000962s/0.068866s=1.40%]
- 25/56 . SELECT p.id,p.type,p.title,p.subtitle,p.supplier,p.status,p.audit_status,p.audit_reject_times,p.auto_shelves_after_audit,p.is_tax,p.weigh,p.category_ids,p.product_tag_ids,p.product_tag_names,p.image,p.images,p.params,p.price,p.original_price,p.is_sku,p.likes,p.views,p.sales,p.size_country,p.size_guide,p.marketing_size_guide_id,p.show_sales,p.service_ids,p.shipping_type,p.shipping_ids,p.is_custom,p.is_custom_plus,p.custom_config,p.draft_product_id,p.seotitle,p.keywords,p.description,p.path,p.is_tob_sku,p.createtime,p.updatetime,p.deletetime,(p.sales + p.show_sales) as total_sales,ifnull(y.price, p.price) price1 FROM `product` `p` LEFT JOIN (select min(price) price,product_id from ( SELECT `a`.`price`,`a`.`product_id` FROM `activity_product_sku_price` `a` INNER JOIN `activity` `b` ON `b`.`id`=a.activity_id and a.status = 'up' and b.deletetime is null and b.starttime < 1739347951 and b.endtime > 1739347951 WHERE `a`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `t` group by `t`.`product_id`) `y` ON `y`.`product_id`=`p`.`id` WHERE ( `p`.`status` IN ('up') AND ( ( find_in_set(7, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(6, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(5, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(4, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(3, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(2, category_ids) ) OR ( find_in_set(1, category_ids) ) ) ) AND `p`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY weigh desc,id desc LIMIT 0,12 [0.000940s/0.068866s=1.36%]
- 26/56 . CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000878s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=shoppaas_1695375012111;charset=utf8mb4 [0.000878s/0.068866s=1.27%]
- 27/56 . SELECT * FROM `cart` LEFT JOIN ( SELECT type as activity_type,id as activity_id,`product_ids` FROM `activity` WHERE ( `type` IN ('seckill') ) AND `activity`.`deletetime` IS NULL ) `act` ON find_in_set(cart.product_id, product_ids) WHERE ( `user_id` = 0 AND `session_id` = 'u2ej8em854rilgn8lamgoc8sqc' AND `store_id` = 0 ) AND `cart`.`deletetime` IS NULL GROUP BY `id` ORDER BY `createtime` DESC [0.000864s/0.068866s=1.25%]
- 28/56 . SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `themes_lang` WHERE ( lang_name='en' AND is_enable=1 AND transl_way=2 AND deletetime IS NULL ) LIMIT 1 [0.000706s/0.068866s=1.03%]
- 29/56 . SELECT * FROM `product_sku_price` WHERE ( `product_id` IN (17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6) ) AND `product_sku_price`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `weigh` ASC,`id` ASC [0.000649s/0.068866s=0.94%]
- 30/56 . SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE ( `status` = 'up' AND `deletetime` IS NULL AND `id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `product`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY field(id,6,2,9,1,17) LIMIT 0,15 [0.000616s/0.068866s=0.89%]
- 31/56 . UPDATE `cart` SET `deletetime`=1739347951 WHERE ( NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM `product` WHERE ( product.id=cart.product_id ) ) AND `user_id` = 0 AND `session_id` = 'u2ej8em854rilgn8lamgoc8sqc' AND `createtime` > 1739088751 ) AND `cart`.`deletetime` IS NULL [0.000598s/0.068866s=0.87%]
- 32/56 . SELECT * FROM `payment` WHERE `status` = '1' ORDER BY `weigh` DESC,`id` ASC [0.000588s/0.068866s=0.85%]
- 33/56 . SELECT * FROM `discuss` WHERE ( `status` = 'show' AND `product_id` IN (17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6) ) AND `discuss`.`deletetime` IS NULL [0.000550s/0.068866s=0.80%]
- 34/56 . SELECT * FROM `product_sku_price` WHERE ( `product_id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `product_sku_price`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `weigh` ASC,`id` ASC [0.000501s/0.068866s=0.73%]
- 35/56 . SELECT * FROM `themes_menu_item` WHERE `themes_menu_item`.`deletetime` IS NULL [0.000497s/0.068866s=0.72%]
- 36/56 . SELECT `id`,`name`,`template`,`version`,`type`,`remark`,`weigh`,`createtime`,`updatetime`,`deletetime` FROM `themes` WHERE ( `type` = 'release' ) AND `themes`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [0.000481s/0.068866s=0.70%]
- 37/56 . SELECT `id` FROM `product` WHERE ( `id` <> 0 AND `status` = 'up' ) AND `product`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `views` DESC LIMIT 5 [0.000480s/0.068866s=0.70%]
- 38/56 . SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `product` WHERE ( `status` = 'up' AND `deletetime` IS NULL AND `id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `product`.`deletetime` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [0.000445s/0.068866s=0.65%]
- 39/56 . SELECT * FROM `discuss` WHERE ( `status` = 'show' AND `product_id` IN (6,2,9,1,17) ) AND `discuss`.`deletetime` IS NULL [0.000439s/0.068866s=0.64%]
- 40/56 . SELECT `name` FROM `product_supplier` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [0.000437s/0.068866s=0.63%]
- 41/56 . SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `name` = 'lang_auto_detect' LIMIT 1 [0.000431s/0.068866s=0.63%]
- 42/56 . SELECT * FROM `activity` WHERE ( ( 1739347951 > starttime && 1739347951 < endtime ) ) AND `activity`.`deletetime` IS NULL ORDER BY `starttime` ASC LIMIT 30 [0.000427s/0.068866s=0.62%]
- 43/56 . SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `themes_lang` WHERE ( lang_name='en' AND is_enable=1 AND transl_way=2 AND deletetime IS NULL ) LIMIT 1 [0.000417s/0.068866s=0.61%]
- 44/56 . SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `app_center` WHERE `name` = 'access_control' AND `is_installed` = 1 LIMIT 1 [0.000398s/0.068866s=0.58%]
- 45/56 . SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `themes_lang` WHERE ( lang_name='en' AND is_enable=1 AND transl_way=2 AND deletetime IS NULL ) LIMIT 1 [0.000375s/0.068866s=0.54%]
- 46/56 . SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `name` = 'customer_login_config' LIMIT 1 [0.000354s/0.068866s=0.51%]
- 47/56 . set session sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' [0.000353s/0.068866s=0.51%]
- 48/56 . SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE ( name = 'multiCurrencySwitch' ) LIMIT 1 [0.000326s/0.068866s=0.47%]
- 49/56 . SELECT @@session.sql_mode [0.000313s/0.068866s=0.45%]
- 50/56 . SELECT @@session.sql_mode [0.000296s/0.068866s=0.43%]
- 51/56 . set session sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' [0.000294s/0.068866s=0.43%]
- 52/56 . SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE ( name = 'byIpSwitch' ) LIMIT 1 [0.000284s/0.068866s=0.41%]
- 53/56 . set time_zone = '+08:00' [0.000277s/0.068866s=0.40%]
- 54/56 . SELECT @@session.sql_mode [0.000275s/0.068866s=0.40%]
- 55/56 . set session sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' [0.000256s/0.068866s=0.37%]
- 56/56 . set session sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' [0.000234s/0.068866s=0.34%]
- 1/3. set session sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' [5 times, 0.007225s/0.068866s=10.49%]
- 2/3. SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `themes_lang` WHERE ( lang_name='en' AND is_enable=1 AND transl_way=2 AND deletetime IS NULL ) LIMIT 1 [3 times, 0.001498s/0.068866s=2.18%]
- 3/3. SELECT @@session.sql_mode [3 times, 0.000884s/0.068866s=1.28%]
- generateVisitCode:16cc99c3953da40ea04e4f08a5db5469
- 发布普通任务:shoppaas_1695375012111:-addons-job-job-VisitUser@requestJob:29671